Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Columns to Rows

Transforming columns into rows is easily accomplished with the SELECT command's UNPIVOT clause, introduced in Oracle 11g. (For database versions earlier than 11g see the remaining topics in this section for alternative techniques.)
Consider this data table.
select key, c1, c2, c3 from t order by key ;

KEY C1    C2    C3
--- ----- ----- -----
r1  v1    v2    v3
r2  v1    v2
r3  v1          v3
r4  v1
r5        v2    v3
r6        v2
r7              v3

We can convert each row of C1, C2, and C3 values into three rows of values under a single column as follows.
break on key skip 1 duplicates

select key, source, val
        ( C1 AS 'C1',
          C2 AS 'C2',
          C3 AS 'C3'
order by key, source ;

--- ------ -----
r1  C1     v1
r1  C2     v2
r1  C3     v3

r2  C1     v1
r2  C2     v2
r2  C3

r3  C1     v1
r3  C2
r3  C3     v3

r4  C1     v1
r4  C2
r4  C3

r5  C1
r5  C2     v2
r5  C3     v3

r6  C1
r6  C2     v2
r6  C3

r7  C1
r7  C2
r7  C3     v3

r8  C1
r8  C2
r8  C3

If we do not need the rows with NULL values from C1, C2, or C3 we can use an EXCLUDE NULLS clause to filter them out.
select key, source, val
  t unpivot EXCLUDE NULLS
    ( val for( source ) in
        ( c1 as 'C1',
          c2 as 'C2',
          c3 as 'C3'
order by key, source ;

--- ------ -----
r1  C1     v1
r1  C2     v2
r1  C3     v3

r2  C1     v1
r2  C2     v2

r3  C1     v1
r3  C3     v3

r4  C1     v1

r5  C2     v2
r5  C3     v3

r6  C2     v2

r7  C3     v3

If no INCLUDE/EXCLUDE NULLS clause is specified the default behaviour is EXCLUDE NULLS.
select key, source, val
    ( val for( source ) in
        ( c1 as 'C1',
          c2 as 'C2',
          c3 as 'C3'
order by key, source ;

--- ------ -----
r1  C1     v1
r1  C2     v2
r1  C3     v3

r2  C1     v1
r2  C2     v2

r3  C1     v1
r3  C3     v3

r4  C1     v1

r5  C2     v2
r5  C3     v3

r6  C2     v2

r7  C3     v3

If the value column datatypes are not all in the same group, e.g. numeric, character, date, an error will be raised.
select key, source, val
  t unpivot
    ( val for( source ) in
        ( n1 as 'N1',       -- N1 is a NUMBER column
          c2 as 'C2',       -- C2 is a VARCHAR2 column
          c3 as 'C3'        -- C3 is a VARCHAR2 column
order by key, source ;
          c2 as 'C2',       -- C2 is a VARCHAR2 column
ERROR at line 6:
ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as
corresponding expression

UNION ALL Method  

In Oracle 10g or earlier one technique for transforming columns into rows uses the UNION ALL set operator. (For Oracle 11g see UNPIVOT (11g).)
Consider this data table.
select key, c1, c2, c3 from t order by key ;
KEY C1    C2    C3
--- ----- ----- -----
r1  v1    v2    v3
r2  v1    v2
r3  v1          v3
r4  v1
r5        v2    v3
r6        v2
r7              v3
We can convert each row of C1, C2, and C3 values into three rows of values under a single column as follows.
break on key skip 1 duplicates
select key, 'C1' as source, c1 as val from t union all
select key, 'C2' as source, c2 as val from t union all
select key, 'C3' as source, c3 as val from t
order by key, source ;
--- ------ -----
r1  C1     v1
r1  C2     v2
r1  C3     v3
r2  C1     v1
r2  C2     v2
r2  C3
r3  C1     v1
r3  C2
r3  C3     v3
r4  C1     v1
r4  C2
r4  C3
r5  C1
r5  C2     v2
r5  C3     v3
r6  C1
r6  C2     v2
r6  C3
r7  C1
r7  C2
r7  C3     v3
r8  C1
r8  C2
r8  C3
If we do not need the rows with NULL values from C1, C2, or C3 we can use WHERE clauses to filter them out.
select key, 'C1' as source, c1 as val from t where c1 is not null union all
select key, 'C2' as source, c2 as val from t where c2 is not null union all
select key, 'C3' as source, c3 as val from t where c3 is not null
order by key, source ;
--- ------ -----
r1  C1     v1
r1  C2     v2
r1  C3     v3
r2  C1     v1
r2  C2     v2
r3  C1     v1
r3  C3     v3
r4  C1     v1
r5  C2     v2
r5  C3     v3
r6  C2     v2
r7  C3     v3

MODEL Method

In Oracle 10g another technique for transforming columns into rows uses the SELECT command's MODEL clause (not available prior to 10g). If you are unfamiliar with the MODEL clause review the SQL Features Tutorials: MODEL Clause tutorial before proceeding. (For Oracle 11g see UNPIVOT (11g). For versions prior to 10g see UNION ALL Method or Collection Method)
Consider this data table.
select key, c1, c2, c3 from t order by key ;
KEY C1    C2    C3
--- ----- ----- -----
r1  v1    v2    v3
r2  v1    v2
r3  v1          v3
r4  v1
r5        v2    v3
r6        v2
r7              v3
We can convert each row of C1, C2, and C3 values into three rows of values under a single column as follows.
break on key duplicates skip 1
select key, source, val
from   t
  return updated rows
  partition by ( key )
  dimension by ( 0 as i )
  measures     ( 'xx' as source, 'xxxxx' as val, c1, c2, c3 )
  rules upsert all
    source[ 1 ] = 'C1' ,
    source[ 2 ] = 'C2' ,
    source[ 3 ] = 'C3' ,
    val[ 1 ] = c1[ 0 ] ,
    val[ 2 ] = c2[ 0 ] ,
    val[ 3 ] = c3[ 0 ]
order by key, source ;
--- ------ -----
r1  C1     v1
r1  C2     v2
r1  C3     v3
r2  C1     v1
r2  C2     v2
r2  C3
r3  C1     v1
r3  C2
r3  C3     v3
r4  C1     v1
r4  C2
r4  C3
r5  C1
r5  C2     v2
r5  C3     v3
r6  C1
r6  C2     v2
r6  C3
r7  C1
r7  C2
r7  C3     v3
r8  C1
r8  C2
r8  C3

Understanding How it Works

To understand how the solution works we will start with a simple MODEL query and build towards the final solution one step at a time.
clear breaks
column I format 99
select key, I, SOURCE, VAL, c1, c2, c3
from   t
where  key = 'r1'
  partition by ( key )
  dimension by ( 0 AS I )
  measures     ( 'xx' AS SOURCE, 'xxxxx' AS VAL, c1, c2, c3 )
  rules        ()
KEY   I SOURCE VAL   C1    C2    C3
--- --- ------ ----- ----- ----- -----
r1    0 xx     xxxxx v1    v2    v3
select key, i, source, val, c1, c2, c3
from   t
where  key = 'r1'
  partition by ( key )
  dimension by ( 0 as i )
  measures     ( 'xx' as source, 'xxxxx' as val, c1, c2, c3 )
    SOURCE[ 1 ] = 'C1' ,
    SOURCE[ 2 ] = 'C2' ,
    SOURCE[ 3 ] = 'C3'
KEY   I SOURCE VAL   C1    C2    C3
--- --- ------ ----- ----- ----- -----
r1    0 xx     xxxxx v1    v2    v3
r1    1 C1
r1    2 C2
r1    3 C3
select key, i, source, val, c1, c2, c3
from   t
where  key = 'r1'
  partition by ( key )
  dimension by ( 0 as i )
  measures     ( 'xx' as source, 'xxxxx' as val, c1, c2, c3 )
  rules upsert all
    source[ 1 ] = 'C1' ,
    source[ 2 ] = 'C2' ,
    source[ 3 ] = 'C3' ,
    VAL[ 1 ] = C1[ 0 ] ,
    VAL[ 2 ] = C2[ 0 ] ,
    VAL[ 3 ] = C3[ 0 ]
order by i ;
KEY   I SOURCE VAL   C1    C2    C3
--- --- ------ ----- ----- ----- -----
r1    0 xx     xxxxx v1    v2    v3
r1    1 C1     v1
r1    2 C2     v2
r1    3 C3     v3
select key, i, source, val
from   t
where  key = 'r1'
  partition by ( key )
  dimension by ( 0 as i )
  measures     ( 'xx' as source, 'xxxxx' as val, c1, c2, c3 )
  rules upsert all
    source[ 1 ] = 'C1' ,
    source[ 2 ] = 'C2' ,
    source[ 3 ] = 'C3' ,
    val[ 1 ] = c1[ 0 ] ,
    val[ 2 ] = c2[ 0 ] ,
    val[ 3 ] = c3[ 0 ]
order by i ;
--- --- ------ -----
r1    1 C1     v1
r1    2 C2     v2
r1    3 C3     v3
Performance Comparison
The following tables show performance metrics for one run each of the three Column to Row techniques described in the preceeding tutorials.
·         UNPIVOT (11g)
·         UNION ALL Method
·         Collection Method
·         MODEL Method
Each run transforms 10 columns from an 800 row table into a 8,000 row result set. See the log file from these tests for more details.
The tests were performed using SQL*Plus against an Oracle 11g Enterprise Edition Release database running on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.
The following table shows database statistics where values for one method differ by more than 100 from another method.

METRIC_NAME                         UNPIVOT    UNION ALL   Collection        MODEL
------------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
Elapsed Time (1/100 sec)                 30           32           32           43
table scan rows gotten                8,800      157,493      142,869        1,600
session uga memory max              123,452      123,452      123,452      246,904
bytes sent via SQL*Net to clie      127,123      118,454      118,719      127,935
session logical reads                   135          755          641           72
consistent gets                          83          703          588           20
consistent gets from cache               83          703          588           20
consistent gets from cache (fa           82          691          551           19
no work - consistent read gets           44          635          540            8
table scan blocks gotten                 44          614          540            8
recursive calls                          36          295            9            9
session uga memory                   65,464            0       65,464       65,464
sorts (rows)                          8,000            0            0            0

See Statistics Descriptions for a description of each metric.

Latch Gets

The following table shows total latch gets for each method.
     UNPIVOT    UNION ALL   Collection        MODEL
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
       2,150        3,771        2,463        1,863
Techniques that use a small number of latches scale better than techniques that use a large number of latches
Warning: Results on your own systems with your own data will differ from these results. Results will even differ from one set of test runs to the next on the same machine. Run your own tests and average the results from multiple runs before making performance decisions.

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