Thursday, September 15, 2011



A varying array allows you to store repeating attributes of a record in a single row but with limit.

    1) We can create varrays using oracle types as well as user defined types.
         a) Varray using pre-defined types
              SQL> Create type va as varray(5) of varchar(10);/
         b) Varrays using user defined types
              SQL> Create type addr as object(hno number(3),city varchar(10));/
              SQL> Create type va as varray(5) of addr;/
    2) Using varray in table
         SQL> Create table student(no number(2),name varchar(10),address va);
    3) Inserting values into varray table
         SQL> Insert into student values(1,’sudha’,va(addr(111,’hyd’)));
         SQL> Insert into student values(2,’jagan’,va(addr(111,’hyd’),addr(222,’bang’)));
    4) Selecting data from varray table
         SQL> Select * from student;
         -- This will display varray column data along with varray and adt;
         SQL> Select no,name, s.* from student s1, table(s1.address) s;
         -- This will display in general format
    5) Instead of s.* you can specify the columns in varray
         SQL> Select no,name, s.hno, from student s1,table(s1.address) s;

    -- Update and delete not possible in varrays.
    -- Here we used table function which will take the varray column as input for producing
        output excluding varray and types.



A nested table is, as its name implies, a table within a table. In this case it is a table that is represented as a column within another table.
Nested table has the same effect of varrays but has no limit.

    1) We can create nested tables using oracle types and user defined types which has no limit
         a) Nested tables using pre-defined types
              SQL> Create type nt as table of varchar(10);/
         b) Nested tables using user defined types
              SQL> Create type addr as object(hno number(3),city varchar(10));/
              SQL> Create type nt as table of addr;/
    2) Using nested table in table
         SQL> Create table student(no number(2),name varchar(10),address nt) nested table  
                  address store as student_temp;
    3) Inserting values into table which has nested table
         SQL> Insert into student values (1,’sudha’,nt(addr(111,’hyd’)));
         SQL> Insert into student values (2,’jagan’,nt(addr(111,’hyd’),addr(222,’bang’)));
    4) Selecting data from table which has nested table
         SQL> Select * from student;
         -- This will display nested table column data along with nested table and adt;
         SQL> Select no,name, s.* from student s1, table(s1.address) s;
         -- This will display in general format
    5) Instead of s.* you can specify the columns in nested table
         SQL> Select no,name, s.hno, from student s1,table(s1.address) s;
    6) Inserting nested table data to the existing row
         SQL> Insert into table(select address from student where no=1)
    7) Update in nested tables
         SQL> Update table(select address from student where no=2) s set’bombay’ where
                 s.hno = 222;
    8) Delete in nested table
         SQL> Delete table(select address from student where no=3) s where s.hno=333;


Ø  ALL_COLL_TYPES          
Ø  ALL_TYPES               
Ø  DBA_COLL_TYPES          
Ø  DBA_TYPES               
Ø  USER_TYPES              

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